
Doors for


The Alliance exists to level the

playing field — and change the game.

Our mission is to engage small businesses with connected resources and relationships that enable economic growth and community impact

We envision a healthy culture

of collaboration

and innovation.

Because a rising tide lifts all boats, our concept is built on a spirit of generosity and a willingness to share:

→ Resources

→ Experiences

→ Mentorship

→ Networks

→ Ideas

→ Solutions

And celebrations!

Members are the heart of our vision.

A generous, thriving Baton Rouge renowned as a haven for small business success, service and sustainability.
Inspiring and empowering entrepreneurs is our central focus. In a collaborative community with mutual success as the goal, Alliance

Members share the resources, connections, experiences, tools

and ideas they need to survive and thrive — because when

small business wins, Baton Rouge wins.

Our ideal Members represent the entire spectrum of Baton Rouge small business.
We seek to build a vibrant group that is:

→Highly entrepreneurial

→Passionate about cultivating small business community

→Diverse in all ways

→Reflective of a wide range of small business sizes and types

→And believes what we believe!

Key Benefits (among many)

• One-on-one coaching

• Peer group sessions

• Extended internship & networking opportunities

• Immediate connections to people, connections and resources


• For companies with up to $1M revenue – $500/month

• For companies with $1-10M revenue – $1,000/month

Membership Eligibility

• Entrepreneurs under $10 million annual revenue